Next-generation DNA sequencing (NGS) is an essential tool for understanding biodiversity.
The training units below provide an introduction to short read NGS (a.k.a. 2nd generation sequencing) on Illumina® platforms + the bioinformatics pipelines used to process data.
Prerequisites: Basic familiarity with the molecular laboratory (i.e. pipetting, DNA extraction, PCR) and command line utilities (i.e. Linux and MacOS ‘bash’ shells or Windows PuTTy command line).
Prerequisites: Basic familiarity with the molecular laboratory (i.e. pipetting, DNA extraction, PCR) and command line utilities (i.e. Linux and MacOS ‘bash’ shells or Windows PuTTy command line).
Unit 1: Introduction to short read sequencing and library preparation
In this unit we will learn:
Unit 1 Lecture (personal use only):
NextSeq 500. Image courtesy of Illumina®
Unit 2: Illumina libraries, de novo assembly and reference mapping
In this unit we will learn:
Unit 2 Lecture (personal use only)
New England Bio Labs reagents at the NHM
Unit 3: Targeted sequence capture of ultraconserved elements (UCEs)
In this unit we will learn:
Unit 3 Lecture (personal use only)
Post-capture UCE libraries at the NHM
Unit 4: Double digest restriction-site associated DNA sequencing (ddRADseq)
In this unit we will learn:
Unit 4 Lecture (personal use only):
DNA extractions for ddRADseq at the NHM